Saturday, September 10, 2011

A day of Praise

Sorry for not writing this morning.  I was very blessed to be able to attend a Beth Moore simulcast.  AMAZING! 

As far as yesterday went.  Eating not fabulous, I did end up doing 20 minutes of dance towards the evening.  I would like to have done more, but life got in the way. 

Today eating has been good!!!!  The fam and I will be going to a 2 mile walk once it cools down a little bit!  Any idea's on how to do quick workouts at home!?!?

Suggestions welcome!  How has your day gone?!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week 1 Weigh-In

Good Morning Friends! <3

Hope you are all having a great Friday! As promised here are my beginning stats and week 1 goals.  If you have any questions OR suggestions feel free to comment as I can use all the help I can get!

Starting Measurements:
Weight: 184.8
Waist (at belly button):38.5
Thigh (l):25
Chest: 39.5
arm(l): 13
arm(r): 13
Body Fat: 36

There ya have it! I will NOT be posting pictures, because really who wants to see that! YUCK. I will take one now and then at the end.  I will humbly post that awful picture with pride!

Week 1 Goals:
1. Walk 10 miles. (The hubs and kiddo's LOVE bike rides and nightly strolls, it's time to join them)
2. Eat out only 1 time
3. Be in bed every night by 10pm (I'm a MAJOR night owl)
4. Get out more. I'm also a major blogging/facebook addict so less of that! :)

See ya later!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Here Goes Nothin'

I guess I will start off with my background.  I'm a mom of 2 kiddo's who has gone through hell and back.  I have struggled with Postpardum Depression and was diagnosed with post tramatic stress disorder after my horrible experience with a miscarriage and several surgeries.

I have decided to start the blog more as a place for me to come and talk about what is going on.  Keeping myself accountable to the world even though no one may read this. 

To start I will list my overall goals and keep in mind I am going to start slow, hoping to incorporate 1 new thing each week.  I will not just go crazy as some of these goals will take months to meet. I will do mini goals each week as well.

1. Lose baby weight (approx. 30 pounds)
2. Become a healthier mom and role model for my toddlers.
3. Work past the PPD and PTSS.
4. Stop eating out
5. Wear a bikini on our next vacation and not hide out in sweats and sweaters
6. Run a 5k.
7. Work on figuring out the triggers to my binging 

These may seem little or ignorant to you.  However, these are a few of the things that I have been struggling with for months now.  I will work on these slowly all while keeping you updated. 

Friday's I will do a weekly weight in/measurements along with what I have struggled with that week.  I will record how and if I have met my previous weeks goals, along with setting new ones!

So be sure to check back tomorrow when I post my first week weight in and goals for the week!